>> ; du -a | awk '-F\t' '{print $2}' - > >All this nonsense because the dogmatists refuse to accept >/n/sources/contrib/cross/walk.c into the distribution.
find and walk are about the same program. my version of find started with andrey's. his find page (http://mirtchovski.com/p9/find/) is dated 31-jul-2004, predating the given walk.c by ~18 months, though i don't know which was written first. the reason i started fiddling with find was to see if it couldn't go a bit faster than du. (it did.) my cannonical examples of its use are find | grep whereisthatfile and grep whereisthatfunction `{find /sys/src|grep '\.[chlsy]$'} i don't think it's that important that it absolutely needs to be in the distribution; it's a convience. what seems more important to me is a way to unlimit the size of argv. otherwise we'll need to go down the hideous xargs path. (apoligizes to hideous functions everywhere for the slur.) - erik