On Sun, 18 Oct 2009 06:22:33 PDT Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org>  wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 6:06 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <shaposh...@gmail.com> wrot
> e
> >> It is. But what's your proposal on code sharing? All those PC
> >> registers belonging to
> >> different cores have to point somewhere. Is that somewhere is not shared m
> e=
> >> mory
> >> the code has to be put there for every single core, right?
> >
> > At the hardware level we do have message passing between a
> > processor and the memory controller -- this is exactly the
> > same as talking to a shared server and has the same issues of
> > scaling etc. If you have very few clients, a single shared
> > server is indeed a cost effective solution.
> I guess I'm not following. My question to OP was strictly about
> code sharing. Basically were do the cores get instructions from
> if not from shared memory.

Sorry, I should've done a better job of editing.  I was
really responding to the OP's point that sharing memory
between processes is a stupid approach. My point was that
"sharing memory" is just a low level programming interface
(implemented by message passing in h/w) and it makes sense at
some scale. 

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