On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Sam Watkins <s...@nipl.net> wrote:

> The "processors" (actually smaller processing units) would mostly be 
> configured
> at load time, much like an FPGA.  Most units would execute a single simple
> operation repeatedly on streams of data, they would not read instructions and
> execute them sequentially like a normal CPU.
> The data would travel through the system step by step, it would mostly not 
> need
> to be stored in RAM.  If some RAM was needed, it would be small amounts on
> chip, at appropriate places in the pipeline.
> Some programs (not so much video encoding I think) do need a lot of RAM for
> intermediate calculations, or IO for example to fetch stuff from a database.
> Such systems can also be designed as networks of simple processing units
> connected by data streams / pipelines.

I think we could connect them with hyperbarrier technology. Basically
we would use the Jeffreys tube, and exploit Bell's theorem and quantum
entanglement. Then we could blitz the snarf with the babble, tie it
all together with a blotz, and we're done.


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