On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:30 AM, ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Sam Watkins <s...@nipl.net> wrote:
> > The "processors" (actually smaller processing units) would mostly be
> configured
> > at load time, much like an FPGA.  Most units would execute a single
> simple
> > operation repeatedly on streams of data, they would not read instructions
> and
> > execute them sequentially like a normal CPU.
> >
> > The data would travel through the system step by step, it would mostly
> not need
> > to be stored in RAM.  If some RAM was needed, it would be small amounts
> on
> > chip, at appropriate places in the pipeline.
> >
> > Some programs (not so much video encoding I think) do need a lot of RAM
> for
> > intermediate calculations, or IO for example to fetch stuff from a
> database.
> > Such systems can also be designed as networks of simple processing units
> > connected by data streams / pipelines.
> I think we could connect them with hyperbarrier technology. Basically
> we would use the Jeffreys tube, and exploit Bell's theorem and quantum
> entanglement. Then we could blitz the snarf with the babble, tie it
> all together with a blotz, and we're done.
> ron
> As Sir Robin said in the Holy Grail just before getting tossed off The
Bridge of Death.
"that's EASY!!"

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