On Saturday 18 July 2009 10:59:20 ron minnich wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Uriel<urie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So you are on your own, you can take the code (while the site happens
> > to be up, or from a mirror), do whatever you like with it, but that is
> > all there is and all anyone can count on.
> So, let's revise this one too..
> "I, Uriel, taking up Noah Evans offer, will be forking the code base
> and releasing an OS called Plan-U. I will provide servers that resolve
> all the problems seen with the bell labs server, and I will take on
> the task, with my friends, of providing all the things I see lacking
> in the current setup."

I sent Uriel a message off-list asking him about this, and he preferred
to answer them in public.

I basically volunteered to help him out, were he to embark on the 
effort, because I am also interested in seeing a version of Plan 9
with a less... sterile, clean-room environment; and into an environment
that's a little more open to experimental change which may fall outside
the current sensibilities and needs of the prevailing primary movers and
shakers of the currently existing Plan 9 community; and something
perhaps a bit more closer to a more open and accessible, community 
driven development model.

This is not to fault Plan 9 as it exists now, but simply to scratch a different
itch than what appears to be in the fore-front of the current 'official' Plan 9
distribution. Seems like it's something that's been needed for awhile in
order to help prevent "ideological" schisms; but apparently no one's 
tried it yet?

I'm much too new here to have any desire whatsoever to contribute to noise
or flames, I respect everyone's positions and opinions equally even where
they differ from my own. Not too mention I'm very new to Plan 9, so I lack


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