On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Uriel<urie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Plan 9 is *not* an open source project, it can hardly be called a
> project even: There is no release management, there is no development
> process, there is no way to know what anyone is working on, no way to
> have any idea of what changes and features to expect in the future or
> when, or when any given bug might be fixed, or even a bug database for
> that matter,

This is an interesting statement and should be revised. So let's correct it.

Take that above text and add this, please:
"That is visible to Uriel, or that will ever be visible to Uriel, or
that Uriel has any possibility of influencing, given that Uriel has
burned every last bridge he might have ever had with the Plan 9
developers to the ground.".

> So you are on your own, you can take the code (while the site happens
> to be up, or from a mirror), do whatever you like with it, but that is
> all there is and all anyone can count on.

So, let's revise this one too..

"I, Uriel, taking up Noah Evans offer, will be forking the code base
and releasing an OS called Plan-U. I will provide servers that resolve
all the problems seen with the bell labs server, and I will take on
the task, with my friends, of providing all the things I see lacking
in the current setup. It's much easier to contribute a solution than
complain, and I am not the type who gets perverse joy out of just
complaining and yelling at people on a mailing list. That game is for
losers. Rather, I wish to provide a constructive solution, and I know
that after a few months people will ignore the bell labs site and
flock to mine. It worked for openbsd, and it can work for Plan U. As
part of this effort, I hereby unsubscribe from this list, and am
starting a new one called ufans for my new OS release. Please join me
in this important work. "

There now, wouldn't that be much easier? You already run a bunch of
servers; I think you could pull it off. And it might lower your blood
pressure :-)

You declined Noah's serious offer to take over sources; here's another
chance! Go for ti! You should not assume it would not work.


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