On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Russ Cox<r...@swtch.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, hope people finds it useful, and please send me any extra info
>> on how to implement/configure/restore the standard Unix behavior in
>> any other environments and apps.
> On a Mac:
> mkdir -p $HOME/Library/KeyBindings
> cat >$HOME/Library/KeyBindings <<EOF
> {
>  "^u" = "deleteToBeginningOfLine:";
>  "^w" = "deleteWordBackward:";
> }
> will make ^U and ^W work across all applications.

Awesome! I added it to http://unix-kb.cat-v.org/OSX


>> P.S.: I even recently wrote a Google Chrome extension to implement the
>> Unix text editing keyboard shortcuts in web pages, it works fairly
>> well so far: http://repo.cat-v.org/burning_chrome/hosaka/ next task is
>> implementing acme-like mouse chording ;)
> Neat.  If you could make the tab key actually generate
> a tab character, that would be fantastic.

Ah, that is a good one, I think it should be possible, I will try to
get it for the next version (need to update for the new extension
packaging format anyway).

I do override the extremely annoying mapping of backspace to the back
button when a text field is not focused, which is also extremely
frustrating when you hit it by mistake and your current page (often
with all text) is lost.

Oh, and note that unfortunately due to current limitations in the
Chrome extensions API, this changes only apply to text fields in the
page, not to the url bar :(


> Russ

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