On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 1:58 PM, David Leimbach<leim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Russ Cox <r...@swtch.com> wrote:
>> Arguing about mouse vs keyboard misses the point.
>> I'm very happy with acme's use of the mouse, but
>> acme's power comes from the rest of its design.
>> Russ
> Even in Emacs, I use the mouse because pointing the insertion point or
> cursor or whatever to where I need to type next is *much* faster than many
> repetitions of a keypress a lot of the time.
> Sometimes I do only need to travel up or down one line at a time though, and
> then the mouse seems like a waste of time to grab, so I just ctrl-n or
> ctrl-p in Emacs to get there (yes I don't use arrows unless I have to, and
> no this didn't feel natural for a long time).
> I suspect there's no perfect editor interface available.  All of them beat
> editing crap on my iPhone :-)
> Dave

I have a weird love-hate relationship with keybindings in Emacs. That
is, I wish they were slightly more Unix-ized instead of whatever
arbitrary junk they decided on back in the ITS days. Ctrl-U should
delete from your cursor to the start of the line, and Ctrl-H should do
a backspace, not open Help! The ^H problem is especially annoying on
my Slackware box, where I apparently can't hit the Backspace key in
console-mode Emacs or else I'll open the help window. Still, emacs
makes for a decent dev environment (it's where I write most of my Unix
code) and if I ever got motivated enough, it's nice that it has a
fully-featured Lisp environment for extending stuff.

"I've tried programming Ruby on Rails, following TechCrunch in my RSS
reader, and drinking absinthe. It doesn't work. I'm going back to C,
Hunter S. Thompson, and cheap whiskey." -- Ted Dziuba

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