On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:51 PM, erik quanstrom <quans...@coraid.com> wrote:
>> Legitimate iPhone apps can access the screen, camera, accelerometer,
>> gps and a portion of the filesystem. One could technically write a
>> drawterm that "polled" for instructions from a remote CPU server and
>> act on the local devices.
>> Not sure if Apple would construe this as "executing remote code
>> fetched through a web service" - that's for a lawyer to discuss - but
>> technically speaking, it is *possible* to remotely control and receive
>> input from the iPhone screen, camera, accelerometer, gps etc; all
>> using the official SDK.
> seems like a risk not worth taking.  i'd hate to have a project
> fail due to a forseeable problem.

There is always the possibility of leveraging the jailbreak, which
would also let us possibly do something better than just drawterm.
FUSE was ported to the darwin kernel, I don't see why 9P can't be. But
I doubt google would want anything to do with that.

Still a decent side project for someone who really wants to do
iPhone+Plan 9 development.

> - erik

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