On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Anthony Sorace <ano...@gmail.com> wrote: > to ron's latest point: > seeing it on the G1 would be great, too. but we have a student with an > iPhone who's said he'd like to do it, and at least a handful of people > here have said they'd like to see it, and have the device.
How many people can actually claim that they will for certain use such iphone drawterm? Because the idea of using rio or acme from a touchscreen doesn't seem very practical to me (to put it very mildly). And I'm really curious, can somebody provide a number? Because this requires not just an iphone, but a remote Plan 9 system, plus some hypothetical task that is doable with the given interface (and which is not better accomplished with simply running sshd). Also, a very important question to ask for all GSoC projects is: what is the value of the partial work if the project stalls or GSoC ends before it is finished? And in this case it would be another abandoned dead end. So far I see many people posing very substantive objections, and others saying 'it would be nice'.... uriel