> > The one and only fundamental limitation of the current interface
> > offered by venti is that I can give it a score to something that
> > doesn't belong to me and it gives me the information back. It is
> > the limitation of the API, not the way data is managed.
> I'm not sure how you'd fix this.  What if only a portion of the block
> belongs to me and the other happens to be the password file? 

venti just stores whole blocks.

if it did as you suggest, that would be a neat trick.
the arenas would reach a maximum size of 256 bytes.
(assuming you stored unique bytes).  everything else
would be index.  but, oh, what an index that'd be.

> You need to draw boundaries at different security entities and that makes
> compression and especially duplicate suppression much less effective.

i'm repeating myself, but that's nothing new.
i don't think you do need to draw boundraries.

it's turtles all the way UP.  given an arbitrarly large
tree, a single change to any leaf will propagate
all the way up creating a new path to the root.
in this respect, libventi trees are very similar to
ken's fs.

the only assumption i'm making is that eactly this
tree has not been stored before.  so really, if you
don't give out the root score, venti won't give you

- erik

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