sauces ain't gone anywhere. my kitchen is still full of them. fluffy
just had soy and honey on his pasta and pate. and i can 9fs sources at
the same time.

just my 3 euros worth.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 4:18 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Some level of smartness in how block traversal is made needs to
>> be there.
> That involves partitioning, which defeats the fundamental mechanics of
> venti.  It then becomes preferable to run distinct venti services,
> which is the only way in which different backing stores can be used at
> this stage.  And as far as I can establish there is no way of
> specifying distinct venti archives to a single fossil server, so now
> you also need distinct fossils.  Feasible, of course, but a bit _too_
> distributed to be practical.
> ++L

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