On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:43 -0500, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > I don't think it does. At least not in a way that is obvious to me.
> > The one and only fundamental limitation of the current interface
> > offered by venti is that I can give it a score to something that
> > doesn't belong to me and it gives me the information back. It is
> > the limitation of the API, not the way data is managed. IOW, if
> > a block that I genuinely own happens to also be referenced from
> > a hierarchy that I do NOT have access to -- its ok.
> ownership doesn't mean anything at the venti level.  it really
> is just a virtual disk drive with lba80 content addressing.
> one doesn't "own" blocks on a regular disk drive, either.

Depends on how you look at it. From the drive's perspective -- you're
right. Nobody owns blocks. However, if a certain block happens
to be part of a filesystems that uses this particular drive then
the ownership can and will be tracked.

> suspending the preceeding logic for a bit, supposing that
> you did "track ownership", then

No need to suspend the logic and run this thought experiment. I have
no interest in assigning ACL to blocks. 

That's why I said that the API that venti currently has is ill-suited
for the kind of public usage I have in mind. That doesn't mean that it
should be replaced or mutilated. It simply means firewalling in a spirit
of venti/ro

The proxy API will have to track the ownership. And it is very likely to
be more hierarchy-oriented, than stand-alone blocks-oriented.


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