
Thanks for the response.   You are saying that by re-sharing the 3 descendant 
systems, then the parent will pick up the descendant shares ?

Could you tell me how best to re-share the 3 descendant systems ?  Do you mean 
I should just 

zfs set sharesmb=off tank/documents/Jan
zfs set sharesmb=on tank/documents/Jan 

and that will accomplish the re-sharing ?    Sounds kind of strange that 
re-sharing descendant shares will allow the top group "see" descendant shares 
pre-share.    But if thats what it takes, certainly willing to try once I know 
what I need to do.  


On Jun 22, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Cindy Swearingen wrote:

> Hi Ed,
> This is current Solaris SMB sharing behavior. CR 6582165 is filed to
> provide this feature.
> You will need to reshare your 3 descendent file systems.
> NFS sharing does this automatically.
> Thanks,
> Cindy
> On 06/22/11 09:46, Ed Fang wrote:
>> Need a little help.  I set up my zfs storage last year and everything has 
>> been working great.  The initial setup was as follows
>> tank/documents  (not shared explicitly)
>> tank/documents/Jan    - shared as Jan
>> tank/documents/Feb   - shared as Feb
>> tank/documents/March - shared as March
>> Anyhow, I now prefer to have one share rather than 3 separate shares.  So I 
>> entered in zfs set sharesmb=name=documents tank/documents thinking that I 
>> could just mount the documents directory on my smb clients and have 
>> Jan/Feb/Mar show up in subsequent directories.  Well, apparently not the 
>> case - when I set up the parent directory share, nothing below it shows up.  
>> In Solaris, the directories are present physically, but do not show up in 
>> the parent share.
>> Is there something I'm doing incorrectly here or did I miss something.  I 
>> read up on inheritance, but this seems to be the reverse.  Any assistance 
>> would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

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