Hi Ed,

This is current Solaris SMB sharing behavior. CR 6582165 is filed to
provide this feature.

You will need to reshare your 3 descendent file systems.

NFS sharing does this automatically.



On 06/22/11 09:46, Ed Fang wrote:
Need a little help.  I set up my zfs storage last year and everything has been 
working great.  The initial setup was as follows

tank/documents  (not shared explicitly)
tank/documents/Jan    - shared as Jan
tank/documents/Feb   - shared as Feb
tank/documents/March - shared as March

Anyhow, I now prefer to have one share rather than 3 separate shares.  So I 
entered in zfs set sharesmb=name=documents tank/documents thinking that I could 
just mount the documents directory on my smb clients and have Jan/Feb/Mar show 
up in subsequent directories.  Well, apparently not the case - when I set up 
the parent directory share, nothing below it shows up.  In Solaris, the 
directories are present physically, but do not show up in the parent share.

Is there something I'm doing incorrectly here or did I miss something.  I read 
up on inheritance, but this seems to be the reverse.  Any assistance would be 
greatly appreciated.  Thanks
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