>From our experience as a company working with Alfresco,
I would also suggest installing that and seeing how it goes. 
It is a portable java webapp running under Tomcat which 
implements not only WebDav and web-interfaces (own 
and sharepoint-like), but also many commont protocols - 
FTP, NFS, SMB/CIFS - to access your stored files. 
Hierarchy of "workspaces" may be protected by ACLs, 
and it is not difficult to add some special triggers (i.e. when 
an XML file is saved to a certain directory, the server calls 
some XSLT transform on it so a PDF file or whatever pops 
up in another directory). All saved and committed files are 
At first I was reluctant to abandon ZFS snapshots, kernel
NFS and CIFS in favor of some clunky web-app, and
many of our production files are still in ZFS, but at least
as far as Unix integrations like homedirs goes - it is
possible. Wouldn't vouch for access speeds, like building
a kernel over such NFS homedir, though. For us it is 
mostly static content such as internal docs and published
distros, or as a storage-with-webservices for customers.

----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Walter <si...@gikaku.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 14:48
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] question about COW and snapshots
To: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org

> Thanks for the comments. So ZFS alone cannot do what I'd like.
> In linux there Gamin. Or there is also a kernel patch which 
> gives you 
> /proc/fschanges. I could monitor this file for changes and take 
> a 
> snapshot when a change occurs or under certain circumstances. 
> However, 
> the Linux COW type FS are all not as production ready as ZFS. 
> Does 
> (Open)Solaris have a /proc/fschanges equivalent to monitor for 
> FS activity?
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