IMHO, oracle would prefer customer go with ZFS appliance with added WebGUI and all the extra support like Analytics, L2ARc and ZIL with SSD etc

On 5/24/2011 2:30 PM, Hans Rattink wrote:
Hi Erik and Kebabber,

Thanks for your answers. Do i summarize it right saying: the best conclusion 
would be then that Nexenta has it's own version of ZFS and has nothing to fear 
of Oracle other ZFS-developpers but that it's uncertain what NetApp might come 
up with as the details aren't published?

Still i wonder what Gartner means with Oracle monetizing on ZFS... Perhaps that 
the advantage of ZFS for others like Compellent (and with that, NexentaStor as 
well) might be become less in future if Oracle speeds up their implementation 
of it?

Regards, Hans

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