Hi Kishore - If memory serves, the kernel uses the preemption mechanism when
a thread uses its time quantum and thus must be forced to give up the CPU.
If your "myprogram" threads are compute-bound, I would suspect they are
being preempted by other myprogram threads of the same priority due to
time quantum expiration. 

I have a DTrace script that tests for this condition somewhere, but I can't
find it. I will poke around.

As an aside, this isn't a ZFS question, or even a DTrace question, and is thus
probably more suited for a general performace discussion alias, such
as perf-disc...@opensolaris.org.


On Jan 18, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Kishore Kumar Pusukuri wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know about which threads will be preempted by which on my 
> OpenSolaris machine. 
> Therefore, I ran a multithreaded program "myprogram" with 32 threads on my 
> 24-core Solaris machine. I make sure that each thread of my program has same 
> priority (priority zero), so that we can reduce priority inversions (saving 
> preemptions -- system overhead). However, I ran the following script 
> whoprempt.d to see who preempted myprogram threads and got the following 
> output Unlike what I thought, myprogram threads are preempted (for 2796 times 
> -- last line of the output) by the threads of same myprogram. 
> Could anyone explain why this happens, please? 
> DTrace script
> ==============
> #pragma D option quiet
> sched:::preempt
> {
>         self->preempt = 1;
> }
> sched:::remain-cpu
>  /self->preempt/
> {
>          self->preempt = 0;
> }
> sched:::off-cpu
> /self->preempt/
> {
>            /*
>              * If we were told to preempt ourselves, see who we ended up 
> giving                 
>              * the CPU to.
>               */
>                         @[stringof(args[1]->pr_fname), args[0]->pr_pri, 
> execname,
>                                  curlwpsinfo->pr_pri] = count();
>                                      self->preempt = 0;
> }
>  {
>          printf("%30s %3s %30s %3s %5s\n", "PREEMPTOR", 
> "PRI","||","PREEMPTED", "PRI", "#");
>          printa("%30s %3d %30s %3d %5@d\n", @);
>  }
> Output:
> =======
> PREEMPTOR  PRI         ||       PREEMPTED PRI     #
>   dtrace   0    ||       myprogram   0     1
>   dtrace   50   ||      myprogram   0     1
>    sched  -1      ||    myprogram   0     1
> myprogram   0    ||        dtrace   0     1
>           ....
>           .....       
>       nscd  59   ||     myprogram   0     4
>   sendmail  59    ||    myprogram   0     4
>      sched  60     ||   myprogram   0    92
>      sched  98     ||   myprogram   0   272
>      sched  99     ||   myprogram   0  2110
>  myprogram   0   ||     myprogram   0  2796
> -- 
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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