Big subject!

You haven't said what your 32 threads are doing, or how you gave them the same priority, or what scheduler class they are running in.

However, you only have 24 VCPUs, and (I assume) 32 active threads, so Solaris will try to share resources evenly, and yes, it will preempt one of your threads to run another.

The preemption behaviour, including the time a thread is allowed to run without interruption, will depend on the scheduling class and parameters of each thread.

If you want to reduce preemption, you can move threads to the FX class, set an absolute priority, and tune the time quantum.

What you are seeing is expected.

Hope this helps,

p.s. if you need any more help with this, please feel free to contact me offline.

On 18/01/2011 06:13, Kishore Kumar Pusukuri wrote:
I would like to know about which threads will be preempted by which on my 
OpenSolaris machine.
Therefore, I ran a multithreaded program "myprogram" with 32 threads on my 
24-core Solaris machine. I make sure that each thread of my program has same priority 
(priority zero), so that we can reduce priority inversions (saving preemptions -- system 
overhead). However, I ran the following script whoprempt.d to see who preempted myprogram 
threads and got the following output Unlike what I thought, myprogram threads are 
preempted (for 2796 times -- last line of the output) by the threads of same myprogram.

Could anyone explain why this happens, please?

DTrace script

#pragma D option quiet

          self->preempt = 1;

           self->preempt = 0;

               * If we were told to preempt ourselves, see who we ended up 
               * the CPU to.
                          @[stringof(args[1]->pr_fname), args[0]->pr_pri, 
                                   curlwpsinfo->pr_pri] = count();
                                       self->preempt = 0;

           printf("%30s %3s %30s %3s %5s\n", "PREEMPTOR", "PRI","||","PREEMPTED", "PRI", 
           printa("%30s %3d %30s %3d %5@d\n", @);

    dtrace   0    ||       myprogram   0     1
    dtrace   50   ||      myprogram   0     1
     sched  -1      ||    myprogram   0     1
  myprogram   0    ||        dtrace   0     1
        nscd  59   ||     myprogram   0     4
    sendmail  59    ||    myprogram   0     4
       sched  60     ||   myprogram   0    92
       sched  98     ||   myprogram   0   272
       sched  99     ||   myprogram   0  2110
   myprogram   0   ||     myprogram   0  2796

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