On Jan 5, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Bruins wrote:

> I have a filer running Opensolaris (snv_111b) and I am presenting a iSCSI 
> share from a RAIDZ pool.  I want to run ZFS on the share at the client.  Is 
> it necessary to create a mirror or use ditto blocks at the client to ensure 
> ZFS can recover if it detects a failure at the client?

The rule is: protect your data first, then worry about the other ways to protect
your data.

Also, be aware that b111 has what I call, "the iSCSI performance pit of hell."
You will not get good iSCSI operation from that release. I'd advise that
you move forward or backward a few releases or look at one of the more
modern releases (b111 is almost 2 years old). I am biased towards NexentaStor,
but there are several other distributions that can work for you.
 -- richard

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