We do have a major commercial interest - Nexenta. It's been quiet but I do
look forward to seeing something come out of that stable this year? :-)

W. A. Khushil Dep - khushil....@gmail.com -  07905374843

Visit my blog at http://www.khushil.com/

On 5 January 2011 14:34, Edward Ned Harvey <
opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:

> > From: Deano [mailto:de...@rattie.demon.co.uk]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:16 AM
> >
> > So honestly do we want to innovate ZFS (I do) or do we just want to
> follow
> > Oracle?
> Well, you can't follow Oracle.  Unless you wait till they release
> something,
> reverse engineer it, and attempt to reimplement it.  I am quite sure you'll
> be sued if you do that.
> If you want forward development in the open source tree, you basically have
> only one option:  Some major contributor must have a financial interest,
> and
> commit to a real concerted development effort, with their own roadmap,
> which
> is intentionally designed NOT to overlap with the Oracle roadmap.
> Otherwise, the code will stagnate.
> I am rooting for the open source projects, but I'm not optimistic
> personally.  I think all major contributors (IBM, Apple, etc) will not
> participate for various reasons, and as a result, we'll experience bit
> rot...  As presently evident by lack of zpool advancement beyond 28.
> So in my mind, Oracle and ZFS are now just like netapp and wafl.  Well...
>  I
> prefer Solaris and ZFS over netapp and wafl...  So whenever I would have
> otherwise bought a netapp, I'll still buy the solaris server instead...
>  But
> it's no longer a competitor against ubuntu or centos.
> Just the way Larry wants it.
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