On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Garrett D'Amore <garr...@nexenta.com> wrote:

>  On 01/ 4/11 09:15 PM, Tim Cook wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 5:56 AM, Garrett D'Amore <garr...@nexenta.com>wrote:
>>  On 01/ 3/11 05:08 AM, Robert Milkowski wrote:
>> On 12/26/10 05:40 AM, Tim Cook wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Richard Elling <
>> richard.ell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There are more people outside of Oracle developing for ZFS than inside
>>> Oracle.
>>> This has been true for some time now.
>>  Pardon my skepticism, but where is the proof of this claim (I'm quite
>> certain you know I mean no disrespect)?  Solaris11 Express was a massive
>> leap in functionality and bugfixes to ZFS.  I've seen exactly nothing out of
>> "outside of Oracle" in the time since it went closed.  We used to see
>> updates bi-weekly out of Sun.  Nexenta spending hundreds of man-hours on a
>> GUI and userland apps isn't work on ZFS.
>> Exactly my observation as well. I haven't seen any ZFS related development
>> happening at Ilumos or Nexenta, at least not yet.
>>  Just because you've not seen it yet doesn't imply it isn't happening.
>> Please be patient.
>>    - Garrett
>  Or, conversely, don't make claims of all this code contribution prior to
> having anything to show for your claimed efforts.  Duke Nukem Forever was
> going to be the greatest video game ever created... we were told to "be
> patient"... we're still waiting for that too.
> Um, have you not been paying attention?  I've delivered quite a lot of
> contribution to illumos already, just not in ZFS.   Take a close look --
> there almost certainly wouldn't *be* an open source version of OS/Net had I
> not done the work to enable this in libc, kernel crypto, and other bits.
> This work is still higher priority than ZFS innovation for a variety of
> reasons -- mostly because we need a viable and supportable illumos upon
> which to build those ZFS innovations.
> That said, much of the ZFS work I hope to contribute to illumos needs more
> baking, but some of it is already open source in NexentaStor.  (You can for
> a start look at zfs-monitor, the WORM support, and support for hardware GZIP
> acceleration all as things that Nexenta has innovated in ZFS, and which are
> open source today if not part of illumos.  Check out
> http://www.nexenta.org for source code access.)
> So there, money placed where mouth is.  You?
>    - Garrett
The claim was that there are more people contributing code from outside of
Oracle than inside to zfs.  Your contributions to Illumos do absolutely
nothing to backup that claim.  ZFS-monitor is not ZFS code (it's an FMA
module), WORM also isn't ZFS code, it's an OS level operation, and GZIP
hardware acceleration is produced by Indra networks, and has absolutely
nothing to do with ZFS.  Does it help ZFS?  Sure, but that's hardly a code
contribution to ZFS when it's simply a hardware acceleration card that
accelerates ALL gzip code.

So, great job picking three projects that are not proof of developers
working on ZFS.  And great job not providing any proof to the claim there
are more developers working on ZFS outside of Oracle than within.

You're going to need a hell of a lot bigger bank account to cash the check
than what you've got.  As for me, I don't recall making any claims on this
list that I can't back up, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at.  I
can only assume the defensive tone of your email is because you've been
called out and can't backup the claims either.

So again: if you've got code in the works, great.  Talk about it when it's
ready.  Stop throwing out baseless claims that you have no proof of and then
fall back on "just be patient, it's coming".  We've heard that enough from
Oracle and Sun already.

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