>>>>> "ld" == Linder, Doug <doug.lin...@merchantlink.com> writes:

    ld> This list is for ZFS discussion.  There are plenty of other
    ld> places for License Wars and IP discussion.

Did you miss the part where ZFS was forked by a license change?  Did
you miss Solaris Express 11 coming out with no source?  Do you not
understand everyone is looking for a place to get maintenance on their
zpools without getting screwed over?  and that whatever few people not
too disgusted to walk away, like pjd and NetBSD and kqinfotech and so
on, must worry about where to commit their patches and under what
license they may use, or at least ``continue delegating to Sun, or
stop?''  How can yuo call this OT at this point?

    ld> I really don't care at all about licenses.

I think you should start caring, because they affect you.  

Obviously your care is up to you, but you're also the one who offered
to discuss it!

    ld> Folks, I very much did not intend to start, nor do I want to
    ld> participate in or perpetuate, any religious flame wars.

yeah, but you're creating more drama by trying to cut off drama than
you would by just letting people discuss.  Sometimes these threads of
``excuse me but you are a flamer / no U / folks folks attention please
everyone calm down / woah woah woah didn't mean to get your panties in
a bunch'' is the real content-free post, not the actual disagreement
which has some content in it.

    ld> Is the issue important?  Sure.  Do I have time or interest to
    ld> worry about niggly little details?  No.

Then you're lazy.  Don't demand that others be lazy, too, because
you're not only too lazy to care, but you're too lazy to skip their
messages that you don't care about!

    ld> personally very geeky about seems *hugely* important and you
    ld> can't understand why others don't see that.  Maybe it bugs you
    ld> when people use "GPL" to mean "open source", but the fact is
    ld> that lots and lots of people do.  It bugs me when Stallman
    ld> tries to get everyone to use the ridiculous "GNU/Linux", as if
    ld> anyone would ever say that.  It bugs me when people say "I
    ld> *could* care less."  But I live with these things.

If you live with them, why not live with them quietly?  Listing what
you don't care about is a lot less useful than talking about things
that only some people care about.  I think virtually no one cares to
keep track of what unique things you don't care about, yet confusingly
you seem to present your post as a way to avoid useless discussion.
You already know others DO care about it, so....?

    ld> I regret and apologize for my callous disregard in casually
    ld> tossing around a clearly incendiary term like "GPL".

no problem!  But if you really regret it then you won't mind when you
do it again and get corrected again.

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