Joerg Schilling wrote:

> The reason for not being able to use ZFS under Linux is not the license
> used by ZFS but the missing will for integration.
> Several lawyers explained already why adding ZFS to the Linux would
> just create a "collective work" that is permitted by the GPL.

Folks, I very much did not intend to start, nor do I want to participate in or 
perpetuate, any religious flame wars.  This list is for ZFS discussion.  There 
are plenty of other places for License Wars and IP discussion.

The only thing I'll add is that I, as I said, I really don't care at all about 
licenses.  When it comes to licenses, to me (and, I suspect, the vast majority 
of other OSS users), "GPL" is "synonymous with "open source".  Is that correct? 
 No.  Am I aware that plenty of other licenses exist?  Yes.  Is the issue 
important?  Sure.  Do I have time or interest to worry about niggly little 
details?  No.  All I want is to be able to use the best technology in the ways 
that are most useful to me without artificial restrictions.  Anything that 
advances that, I'm for.

This is one of those geek things where the topic you're personally very geeky 
about seems *hugely* important and you can't understand why others don't see 
that.  Maybe it bugs you when people use "GPL" to mean "open source", but the 
fact is that lots and lots of people do.  It bugs me when Stallman tries to get 
everyone to use the ridiculous "GNU/Linux", as if anyone would ever say that.  
It bugs me when people say "I *could* care less."  But I live with these 
things.  People talk the way they talk.  If you're into IP issues and OSS 
licensing, that's great.  But don't be surprised if other people aren't as 
fascinated with the dirty details of IP law as you are.  Most people find the 
law unutterably boring.

So, feel free to discuss this as much as you want, but leave me out of it.  I 
regret and apologize for my callous disregard in casually tossing around a 
clearly incendiary term like "GPL".

Everyone have a great day! :)
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