On 2010-Oct-28 04:45:16 +0800, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
>Short of doing such a test, I have evidence already that machine will
>predictably shutdown after 15 to 20 minutes of uptime.

My initial guess is thermal issues.  Check that the fans are running
correctly and there's no dust/fluff buildup on the CPU heatsink.  The
BIOS might be able to report actual fan speeds.

It's also possible that you have RAM or PSU problems and I'd also
recommend running some sort of offline stress test (eg memtest86 or
the mersenne prime tester).

>It seems there ought to be something, some kind of evidence and clues
>if I only knew how to look for them, in the logs.

Serious hardware problems are unlikely to be in the logs because the
system will die before it can write the error to disk and sync the
disks.  You are more likely to see a problem on the console.

Peter Jeremy

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