On 27/10/10 3:14 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
> It seems my hardware is getting bad, and I can't keep the os running
> for more than a few minutes until the machine shuts down.
> It will run 15 or 20 minutes and then shutdown
> I haven't found the exact reason for it.

One thing to try is a thorough memory test (few hours).


> Or really any thing in logs that seems like a reason.
> It may be because I don't know what to look for.
> I have been having some trouble with corrupted data in one pool but
> I thought I'd gotten it cleared up and posted to that effect in
> another thread.
> zpool status on all pools shows thumbs up.
> What are some key words I should be looking for in /var/adm/messages?
> On this next shutdown (the machine is currently running) I'm going
> into bios and see what temperatures are like... but passing my hand
> around the insides of the box seems to indicate nothing unusual.
> I'm not sure how to query the OS for temperatures while its running.
> But if heat is a problem something would be in /var/adm/messages right?
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