On Oct 20, 2010, at 2:24 AM, Tuomas Leikola wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <r...@karlsbakk.net> 
> wrote:
>> I have this server with some 50TB disk space. It originally had 30TB on WD 
>> Greens, was filled quite full, and another storage chassis was added. Now, 
>> space problem gone, fine, but what about speed? Three of the VDEVs are quite 
>> full, as indicated below. VDEV #3 (the one with the spare active) just spent 
>> some 72 hours resilvering a 2TB drive. Now, those green drives suck quite 
>> hard, but not _that_ hard. I'm guessing the reason for this slowdown is the 
>> fill of those three first VDEVs.
>> Now, is there a way, manually or automatically, to somehow balance the data 
>> across these LVOLs? My first guess is that doing this _automatically_ will 
>> require block pointer rewrite, but then, is there way to hack this thing by 
>> hand?
> I described a similar issue in
> http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=134581&tstart=30. My
> solution was to copy some datasets over to a new directory, delete the
> old ones and destroy any snapshots that retain them. Data is read from
> the old device and written on all, causing large chunks of space to be
> freed on the old device.
> I wished for a more aggressive write balancer but that may be too much
> to ask for.

This can, of course, be tuned.  Would you be interested in characterizing the
benefits and costs of a variety of such tunings?
 -- richard

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