Hi all

I have this server with some 50TB disk space. It originally had 30TB on WD 
Greens, was filled quite full, and another storage chassis was added. Now, 
space problem gone, fine, but what about speed? Three of the VDEVs are quite 
full, as indicated below. VDEV #3 (the one with the spare active) just spent 
some 72 hours resilvering a 2TB drive. Now, those green drives suck quite hard, 
but not _that_ hard. I'm guessing the reason for this slowdown is the fill of 
those three first VDEVs.

Now, is there a way, manually or automatically, to somehow balance the data 
across these LVOLs? My first guess is that doing this _automatically_ will 
require block pointer rewrite, but then, is there way to hack this thing by 

PS: Yeah, I know, it's more disks on the fourth VDEV than on the first three, 
but this was how wi chose to do it.
PPS: c10d1s1 and c11d0s1 is the SLOG mirror, even though zpool iostat doesn't 
show it (zfs status does).

r...@urd:~# zpool iostat -v
                 capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool          alloc   free   read  write   read  write
------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
dpool         38.7T  20.9T    302     39  17.3M  2.20M
  raidz2      12.1T   552G     81      3  4.72M   205K
    c7t2d0        -      -     34      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c7t3d0        -      -     34      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c7t4d0        -      -     33      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c7t5d0        -      -     33      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c7t6d0        -      -     34      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c7t7d0        -      -     33      2  1.18M  41.5K
    c8t0d0        -      -     35      2  1.18M  41.5K
  raidz2      12.4T   277G     84      5  4.81M   278K
    c8t1d0        -      -     35      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t2d0        -      -     34      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t3d0        -      -     35      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t4d0        -      -     35      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t5d0        -      -     34      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t6d0        -      -     35      3  1.22M  56.1K
    c8t7d0        -      -     34      3  1.22M  56.1K
  raidz2      12.0T   631G    101      7  6.50M   294K
    c9t0d0        -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
    c9t1d0        -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
    c9t2d0        -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
    c9t3d0        -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
    spare         -      -    472     42  7.16M  83.9K
      c9t4d0      -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
      c9t7d0      -      -      0    259      2  6.85M
    c9t5d0        -      -     39      3  1.56M  58.7K
    c9t6d0        -      -     38      3  1.56M  58.7K
  mirror      11.8M  4.96G      0     14      0  1.03M
    c10d1s0       -      -      0     14      0  1.03M
    c11d0s0       -      -      0     14      0  1.03M
  raidz2      2.24T  19.5T     33      8  1.23M   417K
    c14t9d0       -      -     11      2   212K  42.3K
    c14t10d0      -      -     11      2   208K  42.3K
    c14t11d0      -      -     12      2   211K  42.3K
    c14t12d0      -      -     11      2   211K  42.3K
    c14t13d0      -      -     11      2   207K  42.3K
    c14t14d0      -      -     12      2   211K  42.3K
    c14t15d0      -      -     11      2   211K  42.3K
    c14t16d0      -      -     11      2   208K  42.3K
    c14t17d0      -      -     12      2   212K  42.3K
    c14t18d0      -      -     11      2   212K  42.3K
    c14t19d0      -      -     11      2   209K  42.3K
    c14t20d0      -      -     12      2   211K  42.3K
cache             -      -      -      -      -      -
  c10d1s1     69.5G  7.88M      6      6   314K   765K
  c11d0s1     69.5G  6.59M      6      6   313K   766K

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
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