> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Eric D. Mudama
> On Sat, Aug 21 at  4:13, Orvar Korvar wrote:
> >"And by the way: Wasn't there a comment of Linus Torvals recently that
> people shound move their low-quality code into the codebase ??????? ;)"
> >
> >Anyone knows the link? Good against the Linux fanboys. :o)
> Can't find the original reference, but I believe he was arguing that
> by moving code into the kernel and marking as experimental, it's more
> likely to be tested and have the bugs worked out, than if it forever
> lives as patchsets.
> Given the test environment, can't say I can argue against that point
> of view.

Besides defending the point of view (checkin experimental changes to an
experimental area, to accelerate code review) ... which seems like a fair
point of view ...

Who finds it necessary to have ammunition against linux fanboys?  Linux is
good in its own way.  You got something against linux?  Just converse on the
points of merit, and both you and they will reach the best conclusions you
can, rather than pushing an agenda or encouraging unnecessary bias.

Each OS is better in its own way.

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