On 8/18/10 3:58 PM -0400 Linder, Doug wrote:
Erik Trimble wrote:
That said, stability vs new features has NOTHING to do with the OSS
development model. It has everything to do with the RELEASE model.
All that said, using the OSS model for actual *development* of an
Operating System is considerably superior to using a closed model. For
reasons I outlined previously in a post to opensolaris-discuss.
I didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with the OSS
release-early-and-often model.
I also didn't mean to imply Solaris was creaky or wrong or bad
compared to OpenSolaris. It has different requirements.
But I did mean that folks who want the latest and greatest are not
the same folks that want stability. So people using OpenSolaris
are not the same people using Solaris. (Of course there are shops
where both are used to different ends, but one is not a gateway
to the other.)
I agree with Erik, there is an upgrade path, but that's just the
natural incorporation of OpenSolaris features into Solaris (same
as existed before, just "OpenSolaris" wasn't something available
publicly and widely). That's not the same as migrating to OpenSolaris.
When today's features are in Solaris, OpenSolaris will have newer
shinier features.
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