
UID/GID on both are the same.
Do not want to use aumounter at this point. 
Need to get it working first. Besides mounting the filesystem
Is not the issue.

The issue is writing to it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cindy Swearingen [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 12:59 PM
To: Phillip Bruce (Mindsource)
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] NFS issue with ZFS

Hi Phillip,

What's the error message?

How did you share the ZFS file system?

# zfs create tank/cindys
# zfs sharenfs=on tank/cindys
# share
-               /tank/cindys   rw   ""
# cp /usr/dict/words /tank/cindys/file.1
# cd /tank/cindys
# chmod 666 file.1
# ls -l file.1
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      206663 Aug 13 13:03 file.1

Some things to check:

- Are the UID/GID and hostnames resolving between the NFS server
and the NFS client?
- File permissions
- Mount point permissions

Can you access the file system on the client by using the automounter?

# pwd
# echo abc > file.1



On 08/13/10 13:19, Phillip Bruce wrote:
> I have Solaris 10 U7 that is exporting ZFS filesytem.
> The client is Solaris 9 U7. 
> I can mount the filesytem just fine but I am unable to write to it.
> showmount -e shows my mount is set for everyone.
> the dfstab file has option rw set.
> So what gives?
> Phillip

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