Hi Phillip,

What's the error message?

How did you share the ZFS file system?

# zfs create tank/cindys
# zfs sharenfs=on tank/cindys
# share
-               /tank/cindys   rw   ""
# cp /usr/dict/words /tank/cindys/file.1
# cd /tank/cindys
# chmod 666 file.1
# ls -l file.1
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      206663 Aug 13 13:03 file.1

Some things to check:

- Are the UID/GID and hostnames resolving between the NFS server
and the NFS client?
- File permissions
- Mount point permissions

Can you access the file system on the client by using the automounter?

# pwd
# echo abc > file.1



On 08/13/10 13:19, Phillip Bruce wrote:
I have Solaris 10 U7 that is exporting ZFS filesytem.
The client is Solaris 9 U7.
I can mount the filesytem just fine but I am unable to write to it.
showmount -e shows my mount is set for everyone.
the dfstab file has option rw set.

So what gives?

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