On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Cindy Swearingen
<cindy.swearin...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> The spare behavior and the autoreplace property behavior are separate
> but they should work pretty well in recent builds.
> You should not need to perform a zpool replace operation if the
> autoreplace property is set. If autoreplace is set and a replacement
> disk is inserted into the same physical location of the removed
> failed disk, then a new disk label is applied to the replacement
> disk and ZFS should recognize it.

That's what I'm having to do in b111. I will try to simulate the same
situation in b134.

> Let the replacement disk resilver from the spare. When the resilver
> completes, the spare should detach automatically. We saw this happen on
> a disk replacement last week on a system running a recent Nevada build.
> If the spare doesn't detach after the resilver is complete, then just
> detach it manually.

Yes, that's working as expected (spare detaches after resilver).

Giovanni Tirloni
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