I found strange issue.
Let say I have zfs filesystem export/test1, which is shared over NFSv3

then I 

zfs create export/test1/test2
chown myuser /export/test1/test2
ls -l /export/test1/test2 (it will output that myusers is owner).

But if I do ls -l on NFS client where /export/test1 is mounted, I will see that 
root is still owner.
The only one way to fix it is to unmount /export/test1/test2 then change the 
owner of the  mountpoint (directory /export/test1/test2) and mount back.

The most strange is that on another ZFS filesystem I created long some time ago 
export/home , everything behaves properly. If I create sub-filesystem 
export/home/newuser and chown it, then on NFS client I see new owner.

I checked, both filesystems (export/home and export/test1) have exactly the 
same ZFS properties and ACLs. Only difference is that export/home was created 
on snv_131 (AFAIR) and export/test1 was created on snv_134 (and every 
filesystem I create on 134 has the same problem with child filesystems).

what could be the problem?
It is annoying to umount/chown/mount every time when I need to change owner.
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