> Apparently, before Outlook there WERE no meetings, because it's clearly
> impossible to schedule one without it. 

Don't tell my boss, but I use Outlook for the scheduling, and fetchmail
plus procmail to download email out of Exchange and into my favorite
email client.  Thankfully, Exchange listens to incoming SMTP when I need
to send messages.

> And please don't mail me with your favorite OSS solution.  I've tried them
> all.  None of them integrate with Exchange *smoothly* and *cleanly*.  They're
> all workarounds and kludges that are as annoying in the end as Outlook. 

Hmm, what I'm doing doesn't _integrate_ with Exchange;  It just bypasses
it for the email portion of my needs.  Non-OSS:  Mac OS X 10.6 claims to
integrate with Exchange, although I have not yet tried it myself.



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