On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Linder, Doug
<doug.lin...@merchantlink.com> wrote:
>> Another thing that Gmail does that I find infuriating, is that it
>> mucks with the formatting. For some reason it, and to be fair, Outlook
>> as well, seem to think that they know how a message needs to be
>> formatted better than I do.
> Try doing inline quoting/response with Outlook, where you quote one section, 
> reply, quote again, etc.  It's impossible.  You can't split up the quoted 
> section to add new text - no way, no how.  Very infuriating.  It's like 
> Outlook was *designed* to force people to top post.  It reminds me of the old 
> joke:
> "Because people read from top to bottom."
> "Why is top-posting stupid?"
> #include ms-rant.std
> ----------

Agreed. Outlook only becomes somewhat usable when you force it to
convert all email to plain-text and then it still screws with line
length and removes line breaks that it determines to be "extra".

On a side note, the person who dreamed up HTML and RTF email needs to
be drawn and quartered. If it can't be expressed clearly in
plain-text, then you should send it as an attachment.

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