On 2010-Apr-30 21:56:46 +0800, Edward Ned Harvey <solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>How many bytes long is an inode number?  I couldn't find that easily by
>googling, so for the moment, I'll guess it's a fixed size, and I'll guess
>64bits (8 bytes).

Based on a rummage in some header files, it looks like it's 8 bytes.

>How many bytes is that?  Would it be exceptionally difficult to extend
>and/or make variable?

Extending inodes increases the amount of metadata associated with a
file, which increases overheads for small files.  It looks like a ZFS
inode is currently 264 bytes, but is always stored with a dnode and
currently has some free space.  ZFS code assumes that the physical
dnode (dnode+znode+some free space) is a fixed size and making it
variable is likely to be quite difficult.

>One important consideration in that hypothetical scenario would be
>fragmentation.  If every inode were fragmented in two, that would be a real
>drag for performance.  Perhaps every inode could be extended (for example)
>32 bytes to accommodate a list of up to 4 parent inodes, but whenever the
>number of parents exceeds 4, the inode itself gets fragmented to store a
>variable list of parents.

ACLs already do something like this.  And having parent information
stored away from the rest of the inode would not impact the normal
inode access time since the parent information is not normally needed.

On 2010-Apr-30 23:08:58 +0800, Edward Ned Harvey <solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>Therefore, it should be very easy to implement proof of concept, by writing
>a setuid root C program, similar to "sudo" which could then become root,
>identify the absolute path of a directory by its inode number, and then
>print that absolute path, only if the real UID has permission to "ls" that

It doesn't need to be setuid.  Check out
(The latter is somewhat more readable)

>While not trivial, it's certainly possible to extend inodes of files, to
>include parent pointers.

This is a far more significant change and the utility is not clear.

>Also not trivial, it's certainly possible to make all this information
>available under proposed directories, ".zfs/inodes" or something similar.

HP Tru64 already does something like this.

Peter Jeremy

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