On 2010-Apr-30 10:24:14 +0800, Edward Ned Harvey <solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>Each inode contain a link count.  In most cases, each inode has a
>link count of 1, but of course that can't be assumed.  It seems
>trivially simple to me, that along with the link count in each inode,
>the filesystem could also store a list of which inodes link to it.
>If link count is 2, then there's a list of 2 inodes, which are the
>"parents" of this inode.

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say here but it don't
think it will work.

In a Unix FS (UFS or ZFS), a directory entry contains a filename and a
pointer to an inode.  The inode itself contains a count of the number
of directory entries that point to it and pointers to the actual data.
There is currently no provision for a reverse link back to the

I gather you are suggesting that the inode be extended to contain a
list of the inode numbers of all directories that contain a filename
referring to that inode.  Whilst I agree that this would simplify
inode to filename mapping and provide an alternate mechanism for
checking file permissions, I think you are glossing over the issue of
how/where to store these links.

Whilst files can have a link count of 1 (I'm not sure if this is true
in "most" cases), they can have up to 32767 links.  Where is this list
of (up to) 32767 "parent" inodes going to be stored?

>In which case, it would be trivially easy to walk back up the whole
>tree, almost instantly identifying every combination of paths that
>could possibly lead to this inode, while simultaneously correctly
>handling security concerns about bypassing security of parent
>directories and everything.

Whilst it's trivially easy to get from the file to the list of
directories containing that file, actually getting from one directory
to its parent is less so: A directory containing N sub-directories has
N+2 links.  Whilst the '.' link is easy to identify (it points to its
own inode), distinguishing between the name of this directory in its
parent and the '..' entries in its subdirectories is rather messy
(requiring directory scans) unless you mandate that the reference to
the parent directory is in a fixed location (ie 1st or 2nd entry in
the parent inode list).

>It seems too perfect and too simple.  Instead of a one-directional
>directed graph, simply make a bidirectional.  There's no significant
>additional overhead as far as I can tell.  It seems like it would
>even be easy.

Well, you need to find somewhere to store up to 32K inode numbers,
whilst having minimal space overhead for small numbers of links.  Then
you will need to patch the vnode operations underlying creat(),
link(), unlink(), rename(), mkdir() and rmdir() to manage the
backlinks (taking into account transactional consistency).

Peter Jeremy

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