on 23/04/2010 04:22 BM said the following:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net> wrote:
>> Greetings All:
>> Granted there has been much fear, uncertainty, and doubt following
>> Oracle's take over of Sun, but I ran across this on a FreeBSD mailing
>> list post dated 4/20/2010"
>> "...Seems that Oracle won't offer support for ZFS on opensolaris...."
>> Link here to full post here:
>> <http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2010-April/215269.html>
> I am not surprised it comes from FreeBSD mail list. :)

Why this attitude about FreeBSD? Did we eat your lunch?

Have you actually bothered to follow the link?
First, it was a pure speculation inside a question.
Second, look what kind of mailing list was that (general FreeBSD-related 
from anyone).
Third, look from whom that came - just a random person asking a question.
[Paranoia mode: maybe it was even you.]

If, for example, I posted some nonsense about e.g. Apple on e.g. OpenSolaris
mailing list; what conclusions would you make then?

> I am amazed of
> their BSD conferences when they presenting all this *BSD stuff using
> Apple Macs (they claim it is a FreeBSD, just very bad version of it),
> Ubuntu Linux (not yet BSD) or GNU/Microsoft Windows (oh, everybody
> does that sin, right?) with a PowerPoint running on it (sure, who
> wants ugly OpenOffice if there no brain enough to use LaTeX).

What you wrote tells more about you than about FreeBSD and FreeBSD community.

I am surprised that on this useful mostly technical mailing list such random
garbage from a random source gets posted at all.  And then gets taken seriously

Andriy Gapon
zfs-discuss mailing list

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