
Oracle has a number of technologies that they've acquired that have remained dual-licensed, and that includes acquiring InnoTech, which they carried forward despite being able to use it as nearly an existential threat to MySQL. In the case of their acquisition of Sleepycat, I'm aware of open-source licensing terms becoming more generous after the Oracle acquisition, where Oracle added a clear stipulation that redistribution requiring commercial licensing had to involve third parties, where prior to the acquisition Sleepycat had taken a less more expansive interpretation that covered just about any form of software distribution. Their record is a lot more nuanced that you're prepared to acknowledge or allow. Lo and behold, open source technologies acquired by Oracle remain open and are used by other open source projects. That's not easily squared with your insistence that the technology is "finished" by virtue of a change in corporate ownership and requires a fork to right things. How about we talk about the problems we are in fact having rather than letting our actions be guided by the most suggestive rumour that floats by?

Sorry if I've not made sufficient allowances for simplistic conspiracy theories, but unless you can show some evidence of serious research supporting your views, the line you're talking falls before Daniel Patrick Moynihan's remark that, "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."


Am 21 Apr 2010 um 10:40 schrieb Eugen Leitl:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 06:51:01PM +0100, Bayard Bell wrote:

These folks running the relevant business lines have already said
publicly to the OGB that Oracle's corporate management accepts the
basic premise of OpenSolaris, so why pass the time waiting to learn
how they're going to make good on this by concocting baroque
conspiracy theories about how they're going to reverse themselves in
some material fashion or passing along rumours to that effect?

It doesn't take 'baroque conspiracy theories', just look at
Oracle's track of past technology acquisitions. The burden
of proof is quite onerous, and quite in their court. Words
are not nearly enough.

It seems the technology is finished, unless a credible fork is

Eugen* Leitl <a href="";>leitl</a>
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