On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
Not necessarily for a home server. While mine so far is all mirrored
pairs of 400GB disks, I don't even think about "performance" issues, I
never come anywhere near the limits of the hardware.
I don't see how the location of the server has any bearing on required
performance. If these 2TB drives are the new 4K sector variety, even
you might notice.
The location does not, directly, of course; but the amount and type of
work being supported does, and most home servers see request streams very
different from commercial servers.
If it was not clear, the performance concern is primarily for writes
since zfs will load-share the writes across the available vdevs using
an algorithm which also considers the write queue/backlog for each
vdev. If a vdev is slow, then it may be filled more slowly than the
other vdevs. This is also the reason why zfs encourages that all
vdevs use the same organization.
Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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