On Wed, April 14, 2010 12:06, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
>>> It should be "safe" but chances are that your new 2TB disks are
>>> considerably slower than the 1TB disks you already have.  This should
>>> be as much cause for concern (or more so) than the difference in raidz
>>> topology.
>> Not necessarily for a home server.  While mine so far is all mirrored
>> pairs of 400GB disks, I don't even think about "performance" issues, I
>> never come anywhere near the limits of the hardware.
> I don't see how the location of the server has any bearing on required
> performance.  If these 2TB drives are the new 4K sector variety, even
> you might notice.

The location does not, directly, of course; but the amount and type of
work being supported does, and most home servers see request streams very
different from commercial servers.

The last server software I worked on was able to support 80,000
simultaneous HD video streams.  Coming off Thumpers, in fact (well, coming
out of a truly obscene amount of DRAM buffer on the streaming board, which
was in turn loaded from Thumpers); this was the thing that Thumper was
originally designed for, known when I worked there as the Sun Streaming
System I believe.  You don't see loads like that on home servers :-).  And
a big database server would have an equally extreme but totally different
access pattern.

David Dyer-Bennet, d...@dd-b.net; http://dd-b.net/
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