Robert Milkowski writes:
 > On 01/04/2010 20:58, Jeroen Roodhart wrote:
 > >
 > >> I'm happy to see that it is now the default and I hope this will cause the
 > >> Linux NFS client implementation to be faster for conforming NFS servers.
 > >>      
 > > Interesting thing is that apparently defaults on Solaris an Linux are 
 > > chosen such that one can't signal the desired behaviour to the other. At 
 > > least we didn't manage to get a Linux client to asynchronously mount a 
 > > Solaris (ZFS backed) NFS export...
 > >    
 > Which is to be expected as it is not a nfs client which requests the 
 > behavior but rather a nfs server.
 > Currently on Linux you can export a share with as sync (default) or 
 > async share while on Solaris you can't really currently force a NFS 
 > server to start working in an async mode.

True, and there is an entrenched misconception (not you)
that this a ZFS specific problem which it's not. 

It's really an NFS protocol feature which can be
circumvented using zil_disable which therefore reinforces
the misconception.  It's further reinforced by testing NFS
server on disk drives with WCE=1 with filesystem not ZFS.

All fast options cause the NFS client to become inconsistent
after a server reboot. Whatever was being done in the moments
prior to server reboot will need to be wiped out by users if
they are told that the server did reboot. That's manageable
for home use not for the entreprise.


 > -- 
 > Robert Milkowski
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