On 27.03.2010 11:01, Daniel Carosone wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 08:47:26PM +1100, Daniel Carosone wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 05:57:31PM -0700, Darren Mackay wrote:
>>> not sure if 32bit BSD supports 48bit LBA
>> Solaris is the only otherwise-modern OS with this daft limitation.
> Ok, it's not due to LBA48, but the 1Tb limitation is still daft.
> There are some limits you'll encounter in BSD, such as if you use the
> wrong disklabel format - but not in the basic disk drivers. 
And, if you use the cheaper cards containing SiI-chips, you may find
that _SOME_ manufacturers saved a penny per year by not connecting all
the wires, so LBA48 simply don't work. Don't ask how many gray hairs
tracking down THAT one caused me. (disks that worked absolutely fine
until you passed a certain block. Then *wham!* corruptions-galore.)


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