On Mar 26, 2010, at 8:58 AM, Svein Skogen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 26.03.2010 16:55, Bottone, Frank wrote:
>> Does zfs handle 4kb sectors properly or does it always assume 512b sectors?
>> If it does, we could manually create a slice properly aligned and set
>> zfs to use it?
> A real simple patch would be to attempt alignment with 4096 every time
> (since 4096 is a multiple of 512 there really wouldn't be a performance
> penalty here). This would mean that things are optimal on _ALL_ disks.
> (and allow those of us using more advanced diskcontrollers to set the
> strip-size (strip size, not stripe size) to 4K as well)

Two thoughts:

1. the "performance impact" may not be very great, but I'm sure there are
exceptions in the consumer-grade market

2. people will be disappointed with the reduced compressibility of their data

 -- richard

ZFS storage and performance consulting at http://www.RichardElling.com
ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 http://nexenta-vegas.eventbrite.com 

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