Matt Cowger <> writes:

> This is totally doable, and a reasonable use of zfs snapshots - we
> do some similar things.

Good, thanks for the input.

> You can easily determine if the snapshot has changed by checking the
> output of zfs list for the snapshot.

Do you mean to just grep it out of the output of 

  zfs list -t snapshot

Or is there some finer grained way to get it?

  (I mean barring feeding the exact snapshot name to
  zfs list [ which would mean finding the name first, of course] )

Here, it appears adding anything more to that command line causes it to

   zfs list -t  snapshot z3/projects
   cannot open 'z3/projects': operation not applicable to 
   datasets of this type 

An example command line from your usage might be handy.

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