On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Brian E. Imhoff <beimh...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am in the proof-of-concept phase of building a large ZFS/Solaris based SAN 
> box, and am experiencing absolutely poor / unusable performance.
> From here, I discover the iscsi target on our Windows server 2008 R2 File 
> server, and see the disk is attached in Disk Management.  I initialize the 
> 10TB disk fine, and begin to quick format it.  Here is where I begin to see 
> the poor performance issue.   The Quick Format took about 45 minutes. And 
> once the disk is fully mounted, I get maybe 2-5 MB/s average to this disk.

Did you actually make any progress on this?

I've seen exactly the same thing. Basically, terrible transfer rates
with Windows
and the server sitting there completely idle. We had support cases open with
both Sun and Microsoft, which got nowhere.

This seems to me to be more a case of working out where the impedance
mismatch is rather than a straightforward performance issue. In my case
I could saturate the network from a Solaris client, but only maybe 2% from
a Windows box. Yes, tweaking nagle got us to almost 3%. Still nowhere
near enough to make replacing our FC SAN with X4540s an attractive

(And I see that most of the other replies simply asserted that your zfs
configuration was bad, without either having experienced this scenario
or worked out that the actual delivered performance was an order of
magnitude or two short of what even an admittedly sub-optimal configuration
ought to have delivered.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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