Bob Friesenhahn <> writes:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Frank Cusack wrote:
> The other three commonly mentioned issues are:
>  - Disable the naggle algorithm on the windows clients.

for iSCSI?  shouldn't be necessary.

>  - Set the volume block size so that it matches the client filesystem
>    block size (default is 128K!).

default for a zvol is 8 KiB.

>  - Check for an abnormally slow disk drive using 'iostat -xe'.

his problem is "lazy" ZFS, notice how it gathers up data for 15 seconds
before flushing the data to disk.  tweaking the flush interval down
might help.

>> An "iostat -xndz 1" readout of the "%b% coloum during a file copy to
>> the LUN shows maybe 10-15 seconds of %b at 0 for all disks, then 1-2
>> seconds of 100, and repeats.

what are the other values?  ie., number of ops and actual amount of data

Kjetil T. Homme
Redpill Linpro AS - Changing the game

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