On February 1, 2010 11:59:14 AM -0600 David Dyer-Bennet <d...@dd-b.net>
One idea I seriously considered is to boot off a USB key. No online
redundancy (but I'd keep a second loaded key, plus the files to quickly
reimage a new key, handy).
I've just built my first USB-booting zfs system. I took the plunge
after playing with an x4275 and using the internal CF slot for it.
I boot off of a mirrored pair of USB sticks.
It works great and doesn't eat 2 disk bays.
Yes, logging and such will to some extent wear through the write capacity
of the USB key, but I expect it'd last several years, which is enough for
me to not worry about it.
I wouldn't worry so much about write wear (as I recently learned on this
list) as writes being dog slow. It was easy to redirect most log files
to the spinning bits of rust. Some logs (/var/svc/log, eg) however can't
be redirected but all of those type that I could find are very infrequently
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