Edward Ned Harvey <sola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:

> > NO, zfs send is not a backup.
> Understood, but perhaps you didn't read my whole message.  Here, I will
> spell out the whole discussion:
> Instead, it is far preferable to "zfs send | zfs receive"  ...  That is,
> receive the data stream on external media as soon as you send it.  By
> receiving the data stream onto external media, instead of just saving the
> datastream as a file on external media ... You solve both of the above
> problems.  Obviously this is only possible with external disks, and not
> possible with tapes.

Here is the big difference. For a professional backup people still typically
use tapes although tapes have become expensive.

I still believe that a set of compressed incremental star archives give you 
more features.


 EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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